


探索海洋Engineering advanced technology is the overarching solution for uncovering the mysteries of deep-sea ecosystems and how they can benefit people, 比如揭示药物的新来源, 粮食和能源. It is important to providing enhanced security for all Floridians and United States citizens. FAU港口分部与主要国防承包商和美国国防部合作.S. Department of Defense on coastal security projects that improve the U.S. Navy’s ability to detect foreign enemies and other ocean-borne threats.

Exploring the Ocean and the drive to overcome the formidable technical challenges of ocean research was essential to the founding of KU体育官网APP (FAU) 海洋研究所港湾分所 by J. 老西沃德·约翰逊. in 1971. 这种精神体现在约翰逊的朋友,发明家埃德温·A. Link, 谁一生的创新包括第一个飞行模拟器, the first diver lock-out submersible and the Johnson-Sea-Link submersibles. 林克的工作促成了新发现, such as 佛罗里达的 deep-water coral reefs and the collection and safeguarding of thousands of marine organisms used in FAU港口分公司 drug discovery efforts, 继续塑造我们对海洋的理解和欣赏.


从十九世纪早期海洋学开始, the big advances have been the result of new developments in technology, which are like windows into the ocean that nobody’s ever seen before.”

Michael Twardowki博士.D.



地球的70%以上被水覆盖. 然而,只有一小部分海洋被研究过. Technological advancements are allowing scientists to reach deeper depths of this mysterious realm and in new, 非侵入性方式.

除了学习更多关于自然世界的知识, 揭开深海生态系统的奥秘可以造福人类, 比如揭示新的来源 医药、食品和能源资源,甚至有利于国家的海岸线安全.

来自海洋勘探的信息也会有所帮助 预测地震 and tsunamis and help us understand how we are affecting and being affected by changes in the Earth’s environment.

  • 超过 70% 地球的 被水覆盖
  • 超过 80%的海洋都没有地图未被观察和探索
  • “佛罗里达流”部分的墨西哥湾流之间可能产生 4到6千兆瓦的电力
  • 不到 全球20%的海底已经被绘制出来
  • 佛罗里达的 军事和国防工业提供950亿美元 在经济影响方面


受到约翰逊和林克遗产的启发, we develop revolutionary and cutting-edge technologies that enable us to discover, map, 观察, 量化, 对海洋的各种生物和栖息地进行取样和保护.



Engineering advanced technology is critical to providing enhanced security across the Nation. FAU港口分部与主要国防承包商和美国国防部合作.S. Department of Defense to better understand the oceanic environment in which the Navy operates and the biological, 化学, 以及调节环境的物理过程. One research project is investigating the potential to use vocalizations from resident fish populations to warn against coastline invasion. 作为一个额外的好处, this important work also yields insights that inform overarching solutions for degraded coastal and ocean environments.


One of the world’s strongest currents, the Gulf Stream, flows at speeds up to 5.6 miles per hour and transports nearly four billion cubic feet of water per second from Florida to Europe. The Southeast National Marine 可再生能源 Center (SNMREC) is a U.S. 能源部在FAU认可的中心, focused on the safe and responsible use of marine renewable energy from the Gulf Stream. The ultimate goal is to harness this extreme natural force to power some of 佛罗里达的 most populated coastal communities sustainably. At the core of SNMREC research is a novel ocean turbine prototype created and deployed by FAU港口分公司 ocean engineers. The Institute is poised to take this technology from prototype to landing a permanent place within the Nation’s alternative energy portfolio.


The advent of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV) technology has dramatically increased the efficiency, 水下探测任务的频率和深度. AUVs are specialized robots capable of operating on their own using onboard computers, 传感器和电池. 这些仪器一次可以执行几个月的任务, 长途跋涉,下潜深度超过18英尺,000英尺. Scientists at FAU港口分公司 develop and use specialized AUVs outfitted with advanced sensors to collect oceanographic data and study such topics as the physical features of the seafloor, ecology of deep-water coral reefs and endangered fish spawning aggregations.


光是地球和海洋生命的基础. 海水的颜色和清澈, as well as the dissolved and particulate materials suspended within it, 在阳光通过水的传输中起重要作用. From images of microscopic particles to space satellite photographs of entire coastlines, the interdisciplinary team of ocean optics researchers at FAU港口分公司 develop transformative optical technologies to gain better visibility and understanding of the critical processes within our oceans.


  • Increased coastal security utilizing state-of-the art ocean engineering and applied technology
  • Novel AUVs and sensor technology deployed for oceanography studies and exploration
  • Enhanced visibility and understanding of the critical processes within our oceans
  • Marine renewable energy generated by the Gulf Stream current as sustainable resource

复原力和灾难是自然的两面. 复原力不断适应新出现的威胁. So technology inspired by resilience in nature is our best chance to make our lives safer in a changing world.”

劳伦特米. 智天使,Ph值.D.


Tools and technologies are critical in allowing scientists to reach farther depths of the ocean and answer previously unanswerable questions. KU体育支持可以扩大海洋勘探能力, help uncover and safeguard their immeasurable resources for the benefit of humankind and secure our coastline from foreign-born threats.

感谢您考虑支持这一重要的研究领域. 港分公司 values our donors as key partners in helping to achieve our vision: “海洋科学让世界更美好”®.”



Marine science suffers because we can’t see through the water with precision. We need to take on this difficult task to expand the capabilities of modern, deep-sea exploration.”
