广播制作是SCMS多媒体新闻学专业的重要组成部分. 南佛罗里达杂志播客是在这些课程中制作的
学生 in Public Speaking courses practice their craft at the School’s First Amendment Plaza
学生 in Public Speaking courses practice their craft at the School’s First Amendment Plaza

传播学院 & 多媒体的研究

的 传播学院 and 多媒体的研究 (SCMS) is a vibrant hub within the 多萝西F. 施密特文学艺术学院. 与 国际知名的获奖教师, the School provides opportunities for study for those interested in a wide array of human communicative activities, ranging from face-to-face human interactions to mediated communication to computer animation.

的 传播学院 and 多媒体的研究 offers two distinct yet aligned baccalaureate degree programs with over 1,200年专业, a 传播学文学硕士,和 媒体,技术和娱乐美术硕士. 两个B中较大的那个.A. 有800多个专业的学位是 沟通研究.多媒体的研究 学位课程允许学生专注于 电影、录像和新媒体 或在 多媒体新闻. Undergraduate coursework maybe divided between FAU's main campus in 波卡拉顿 and our 戴维 campus; the M.A. 项目主要位于博卡拉顿校区,M.F.A.项目设在戴维校区.

除了他们的课程作业, 学生 in the SCMS become involved with many aspects of co-curricular life at FAU. 来自公开辩论和演讲角活动, 参加电影节和展览, to student clubs such as the 电影 Clubs and Zeta Iota (the FAU chapter of the national communication honorary society Lambda Pi Eta), to 数码媒体计划 比如《KU体育》和《KU体育》, 与《KU体育官网APP》等学生媒体合作, 猫头鹰广播, 或OWL TV, SCMS 学生 have myriad opportunities to 应用 skills learned in the classroom in their engagement in campus and community life. Many of these co-curricular activities fall under the umbrella of the SCMS's commitment to the American Democracy Project, a national initiative promoted by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities in cooperation with 的 New York Times that is dedicated to the reinvigoration of citizenship and civic engagement among 学生 in public colleges and universities. SCMS将美国民主计划的使命铭记于心, and much of our curriculum explores the inter-relationships among human communication activities and public life. 传播学B.A. 是建立在沟通和公民生活的问题上的吗.

SCMS享有独特的合作,公私联盟与 客厅剧院, a four-theater complex located with the School in FAU's new 文化 and Society Building. 晚上的商业影院, the Living Room 的aters serve as important teaching spaces during the day for our film classes. 的 cooperative relationship affords our film 学生 opportunities to study the film business from multiple perspectives.

作为一名传播与多媒体研究学院的毕业生, 你会有很多职业选择. 我们的大多数毕业生直接进入就业市场, 但还有很多人继续读研究生, 法学院, 或其他专业高级学位课程. 为SCMS毕业生提供理论学习的机会, 分析, and critical perspectives and combine them with performance and production skills opens many career doors. 这并不奇怪. A poll of 330 industry leaders conducted by the University of Phoenix revealed that 96% of executives ranked communication and interpersonal skills as the most valuable traits for employees, and the American Association of Colleges and Universities conducted a poll of major U.S. employers that showed that employers want colleges and universities to increase their focus on written and oral communication,批判性思维和分析推理能力, 以及技术的概念和发展, 当然也包括通信技术. Graduates from the 传播学院 and 多媒体的研究 fit this profile of what employers increasingly seek.

当你浏览我们的网站,调查我们的项目, we invite you to envision yourself as either an undergraduate major pursuing the rich array of curricular and co-curricular offerings available to you or as a graduate student specializing in either 沟通研究 or 媒体, 技术, 和娱乐. In the 传播学院 and 多媒体的研究, we enrich lives as well as careers.





兼职教师 极光Dominguez 将成为10月份纽约动漫展的特邀嘉宾. 奥罗拉教授公共关系、战略传播和新闻学课程.

About Comic Con she writes: “Being a moderator and interviewing authors live is something, 作为一名记者和传播者, 我喜欢做某事. 纽约动漫展, 我在过去的许多年里都参加过, 尤其是它的文学成分. 作为客人, 今年的演讲者和主持人, I’ll be discussing the impact of strong characters and their lessons in fantasy novels in one panel with two authors, 一本是初中读物,第二本是青少年小说. 在我主持的第二个小组讨论中,我将成为讨论的一部分, me and four authors will speak about the impact of TikTok and the term and hashtag #booktok and how novels, 许多青少年爱情小说, 发现自己通过社交媒体应用程序得到了推广.”

“对我来说, 作为一名记者, 教授兼教育家, 我想谈论和宣传阅读的重要性, of diverse novels and how communication and social media impact the way we get access to books, 是很重要的. 也, we live in a time when these apps spark literary discussions that we might not have had in years before.”

作为一名评论者 推荐书目 也是文学网站的撰稿人 书Trib, 我喜欢纽约动漫展——我很荣幸今年能被邀请, 我以前也被邀请过, 但作为小组成员和嘉宾. 艺术家的创意社区, 的扮演者, 参加大会的读者和游戏爱好者, 还有作者, 出版社, and celebrities make this a unique event that draws in thousands to New York City from all over. 我很荣幸今年能来到这里.”

特别向Dr. Chris Robé who recently published his new book Abolishing Surveillance: Digital 媒体 Activism and State Repression. 最近博士. rob在播客“与同志一起喝咖啡”上谈到了他的书...
我们很高兴地宣布三个跨学科的未成年人开始秋季2022! 学生现在可以辅修政治传播, 运动的研究, 及公共关系, 每门课程只需要12个学分. 访问链接...
Pacha Mama工作流程
“柏查妈妈”, a short film from Noitom International (Miami) was nominated for the Producers Guild of America Innovation Award (LA). 的 film was created by MTEn-MFA 校友 Alberto Alvarez (Author and Technical Director;...
SCMS的一名学生, 埃里森·柯里, is among the five recipients of the Black 的atre Coalition/Broadway Across America Fellowship sponsored by the John Gore Organization. Currie是一名本科生...
Dr. Deandre普尔
传播与多媒体研究学院高级指导教师. Deandre普尔 has received the BIPOC 教师 award for excellence in research, teaching, and service. 这个授予非终身教职教师的教学奖,...


Hi, I'm Danyelle格林—I am a scholar-practitioner with a deep passion for the study and creation of African American cinema, 纪录片电影, 和美学. 我的研究和教学兴趣围绕... 阅读更多


亚历山德拉·罗宾逊获得了多媒体通信学士学位, 专攻电影和新媒体, 2021年从FAU撤出. After graduating, she relocated to New York City to pursue her passion of filmmaking. 她现在是联合创作者... 阅读更多


My name is 妮可•贝利 , I’m in my last semester here at FAU and I’m a film major (FVNM). I absolutely love everything about film, from watching movies to trying to create my short film. 目前,我正在这个过程中... 阅读更多